Boost Your Computer’s Speed with Regular Cleanups: Tips from Tri State

Boost Your Computer’s Speed with Regular Cleanups: Tips from Tri State

Boost Your Computer's Speed with Regular Cleanups: Tips from Tri State

As technology advances, so does the need for regular maintenance and cleanups to keep your computer running at its best. Tri State, a leading computer repair and maintenance company, offers the following tips to help you keep your computer running smoothly and quickly.

1. Uninstall Unused Programs

One of the most effective ways to boost your computer’s speed is to uninstall any programs that you no longer use. Unused programs can take up valuable space on your hard drive, which can slow down your computer’s performance. To uninstall a program, go to the Control Panel, select the program you want to uninstall, and follow the on-screen instructions.

2. Delete Temporary Files

Temporary files are created when you use certain programs or browse the internet. These files can take up a lot of space on your hard drive, which can slow down your computer’s performance. To delete temporary files, go to the Control Panel, select the Disk Cleanup option, and follow the on-screen instructions.

3. Defragment Your Hard Drive

Fragmentation occurs when files are scattered across your hard drive, which can slow down your computer’s performance. To defragment your hard drive, go to the Control Panel, select the Disk Defragmenter option, and follow the on-screen instructions.

4. Update Your Operating System

Outdated operating systems can cause your computer to run slowly. To update your operating system, go to the Control Panel, select the Windows Update option, and follow the on-screen instructions.

5. Install Antivirus Software

Viruses and malware can cause your computer to run slowly. To protect your computer from viruses and malware, install antivirus software and keep it up to date.

6. Clean Your Keyboard and Mouse

Dirt and dust can accumulate on your keyboard and mouse, which can cause your computer to run slowly. To clean your keyboard and mouse, use a damp cloth and a mild detergent.

7. Clean Your Monitor

Dust and dirt can accumulate on your monitor, which can cause your computer to run slowly. To clean your monitor, use a damp cloth and a mild detergent.


Regular cleanups and maintenance are essential for keeping your computer running at its best. By following the tips from Tri State, you can boost your computer’s speed and keep it running smoothly. Uninstall unused programs, delete temporary files, defragment your hard drive, update your operating system, install antivirus software, clean your keyboard and mouse, and clean your monitor to keep your computer running quickly and efficiently.